In September 2019, we interviewed Councilmember Nikki Fortunato Bas, who is on the Oakland City Council representing District 2 which covers Eastlake,…
The recession is threatening public services, and asking those who are wealthy enough to travel to pitch in a little more for all of us is a responsib…
This is a 1/2 percent cent sales tax, with no state takebacks. Though it is a regressive tax, we support it because Daly City urgently needs the money…
This is a NIMBY measure that places a limit on building heights, as well as on residential and nonresidential densities. It would prevent us from buil…
Current law stops local governments from using more progressive rent control measures — this allows cities to implement rent control for residential p…
As the original COVID eviction moratoriums expire, certain landlords are threatening millions of Californians with losing their homes. This measure ex…