Vote Yes

Measure K – Extend Parcel Tax to Fund Teachers and Academic Programs

Franklin-McKinley School District

Public education is on the ballot. With cratering public budgets compounding the costs associated with distance learning and safe in-person instruction, school funding has never been more essential. Though we prefer to make sure the wealthiest corporations pitch in instead of relying on piecemeal parcel taxes and bonds, renewing this existing parcel tax of $72 with senior exemptions will benefit students and the whole community. No funds will go to administrator salaries.

It is possible to fully and reliably fund our schools, our emergency and safety-net services and the world where all our communities can thrive. However, instead these resources are lining the pockets of millionaires, billionaires, and big corporations. That’s why we support fair, equitable taxes — for budgets that ensure our children will inherit quality public education and public goods, no matter what they look like or where they come from. Ultimately, we urge you to support California’s Proposition 15, which will reclaim $12 billion per year for schools and local community services from the wealthiest corporations.

Won with 70.6% Yes 29.4% No

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Measure RR – Make CalTrain Cleaner, More Affordable, & More Frequent

Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Authority (CalTrain)
CalTrain runs along one of the worst and most polluting traffic corridors in the country. This 1/8¢ sales tax would make the trains more affordable an…