全国/美国– 美国众议院US House of Representatives
全州/加州–州众议/参议院 State Assembly/Senate
全湾区–湾区捷运(BART) 地区BART Districts
阿拉米达县(ALAMEDA COUNTY) –阿拉米达县选区搜索器(适用于本地、州、和美国地区) Alameda County District Finder (for all local, state, and US districts)
康特拉科斯塔县(CONTRA COSTA COUNTY) –康特拉科斯塔(Contra Costa)选区搜索器(适用于所有本地,州和美国地区)。 按姓名和出生日期搜索,检查您的选民登记状况,选区,民选官员和您的投票地点;或者按地址搜索,㝷找该地址所属选区和民选官员以及该地址附近的投票地点。 Contra Costa Voting District Finder (for all local, state, and US districts). Search by name and birth date to check voter registration status, districts, elected officials, and your polling place or search by address to find the districts and elected officials that apply to that address as well as nearby polling locations.
圣塔克拉拉县(SANTA CLARA COUNTY) –圣塔克拉拉县(Santa Clara County)选区搜索器(适用于所有本地、州、和美国地区) Santa Clara County Voting District Finder (for all local, state, and US districts)
三藩市县(SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY) – 三藩市市参事选区San Francisco Supervisorial Districts
圣马刁县(SAN MATEO COUNTY) –圣马刁选区搜索器 San Mateo Voting District Finder