Vote Yes

Proposition RR – Caltrain Sales Tax

San Francisco

Caltrain, an essential part of our public transit network, will become cleaner, faster, greener and more affordable and accessible if this one-eighth cent sales tax is passed.

Won with 69% Yes 31% No

A Leaderful Vision for Equity and Justice

April 20, 2021
Here at Bay Rising Action, we know that our communities are powerful and leaderful. When we elect accountable leaders who truly represent us at every…

Textbank for local progressive candidates!

October 29, 2020
Texting is an easy way to get out the vote from wherever you’re based. All you need is a phone and a computer. Sign up now to help support these…

Measure RR – Make CalTrain Cleaner, More Affordable, & More Frequent

Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Authority (CalTrain)
CalTrain runs along one of the worst and most polluting traffic corridors in the country. This 1/8¢ sales tax would make the trains more affordable an…

Proposition 21 – Allow Local Communities to Expand Rent Control

Current law stops local governments from using more progressive rent control measures — this allows cities to implement rent control for residential p…

Proposition 23 – Regulate Kidney Dialysis Clinics for Safety

Requires dialysis clinics to have licensed physicians on site and report infection data to public health officials.