Bay Rising Action is a grassroots political network that champions strong leaders representing our racial, economic, and environmental justice movements and builds the political power of working-class, immigrant, Black, Latinx, and Asian communities. We unite these communities to create a community-based political infrastructure capable of electing leaders who will achieve the bold solutions we need and stay accountable to us, not corporate lobbyists.
Bay Rising Action is a 501(c)4 organization. Visit our sister 501(c)3 organization, Bay Rising, here.
What We Do
- Make endorsements, create regional voter guides, and support our local partners to create localized versions
- Provide campaign support in strategic races: communications, mailers, texting, digital tools, voter analysis and targeting
- Organize for democracy reform that would make elections more fair, equitable and accessible to all
- Support a co-governance model with our local partners
- Guide everyday people along the path of leadership, developing them from volunteers to candidates, campaign managers to legislative staff, and from organizers to policymakers
- Organize grassroots members with our local 501(c)4 partners to participate in local government, from lobbying in City Hall to going up to Sacramento to present their issues to state leaders; these members do not just testify about their experiences, but also develop legislation and ballot measures
- Influence how laws and regulations are implemented
- Support elected officials to be accountable and effective leaders with our neighborhoods and communities
What We Stand For
Bay Rising Action advocates for a world where all people participate in community control and political power; where everyone has a home; and where everyone has the sanctuary to live without fear of deportation or criminalization. We believe in clean air, parks, and water, in environmental justice and just transition to a regenerative economy where life flourishes. We center the value of work with dignity where everyone can earn a living wage and receive quality healthcare; we believe in justice for young people and families. We are also fighting for democracy reform that would make elections more fair, equitable and accessible to all.
Our Local Partners
- Oakland Rising Action
- San Francisco Rising Action Fund
- Silicon Valley Rising Action