Vote Yes

Xavier Johnson

Berkeley Rent Stabilization Board

The dynamic Right to Housing slate of candidates includes a wealth of experience and deep community values. Five seats are open in this race. Walker, Johnson, Mendonca, Kelley and Simon-Weisberg represent current board members, tenant advocates, and movement leaders who are preventing evictions, making corporations pay their share, making housing more accessible and protecting our health and environment.

Won with 12.7% Yes 87.3% Other Candidates

A Leaderful Vision for Equity and Justice

April 20, 2021
Here at Bay Rising Action, we know that our communities are powerful and leaderful. When we elect accountable leaders who truly represent us at every…

Measure BB – Ranked-Choice Voting

Ranked-choice voting allows diverse voices into the electoral process and frees voters to support who most represents them — not just who the politica…

Measure OO – Allow Everyone to Serve on City Boards & Commissions Regardless of Immigration Status

Currently, our city rules keep some of the most qualified people who can help lead our community stuck on the sidelines simply because of the place of…