Vote Yes

Dan Kalb

Oakland City Council District 1

Dan is a steadfast leader who has proven his commitment to environmental stewardship, affordable housing for all and evidence-based policymaking throughout his tenure as a councilmember. Dan has led key initiatives for working families in Oakland, including:

  • Banning the storage and moving of coal through the Port of Oakland.
  • Developing the Tenant Protection Ordinance of 2014.
  • Authoring the charter ballot measure to create the Civilian Police Commission.
  • Securing millions of dollars for affordable housing.

Dan has worked successfully with a range of community groups including the East Bay Housing Organization, the Union of Concerned Scientists and the Environmental Climate Action Plan. As the effects of climate change are making our lives more challenging, the need for clean energy becomes more urgent. Oaklanders need Dan’s track record, networks and scientific approach to help Oakland stay resilient and healthy. 

Dan’s opponents for the District 1 seat do not have the leadership experience or commitment to the community or the environment that he has. Dan is widely recognized for being one of the most effective policymakers in Oakland, and we look forward to seeing his vision of resolving the housing crisis, protecting the environment and strengthening our public schools happen. Because when Dan commits to something, he gets it done.

Won with 54.2% Yes 45.8% Other Candidates

A Leaderful Vision for Equity and Justice

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