
Vote Yes

Q 提案 – 通過本地復甦及解困

Won with 72% 贊成 28% 反對

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Vote Yes

RR 提案 – 增加八分之一的營業稅資助加州鐵路(CalTrain)

Won with 69% 贊成 31% 反對

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Vote Yes

麗貝卡·卡普蘭 (Rebecca Kaplan)

Won with 推進至11月份的決選 : 41% 贊成 58.8% 其他候選人 
麗貝卡·卡普蘭 (Rebecca Kaplan) 擁有 20 年的民選辦公室經驗,是領導我們解決縣內住房和無家可歸、心理健康服務、和社區安全等各種問題的最佳人選。 在擔任屋崙…

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Vote Yes

柯文建 (James Coleman)

Lost with 11.5% 贊成 88.5% 其他候選人 
James Coleman is a young, progressive champion for the working class people of South San Francisco, and the only candidate in his race from a working…

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辛迪·查維斯 (Cindy Chavez)

Won with 推進至11月份的決選 : 39.3% 贊成 60.7% 其他候選人
Cindy Chavez is a longtime labor and community ally with a history of partnering with grassroots organizations that represent working families and has…

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Vote Yes

李天明 (Alex Lee)

Won with 推進至11月份的決選: 38.4% 贊成 61.6% 其他候選人
As the Assemblymember representing the 24th district, Alex Lee proposed bold new measures that would protect renters and build a more equitable econom…

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艾莎·瓦哈布 (Aisha Wahab)

Won with 推進至11月份的決選: 30% 贊成 70% 其他候選人
Aisha is a fighter who takes initiative and works in tandem with community organizers across the Bay. She has built a career advocating for affordable…

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詹妮弗·埃斯汀 (Jennifer Esteen)

Lost with 22.1% 贊成 77.9% 其他候選人
Jennifer Esteen is a former nurse, longtime union leader, and advocate who comes from grassroots organizing. She’s also a queer Black Jewish mom: elec…

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莉茲·奧爾特加 (Liz Ortega)

Won with 推進至11月份的決選: 32.1% 贊成 67.9% 其他候選人
Liz Ortega is a longtime labor activist from an immigrant family with a proven track record of fighting for working people, and the relationships and…

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Won with 306 张选举人票
為了制止冠狀病毒大流行,我們必須擊敗特朗普,選舉喬·拜登為下一任總統。 我們的民眾和地球的未來取決於這一重要的投票。…

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Vote Yes

梅拉·埃斯皮諾薩(Mayra Espinosa)

Lost with 49.7% 贊成 50.3% 反對
這是有史以來第一次的選舉,讓所有社區通過地區選舉,在柏思域加 (Pacifica)的市議會中得到代表。梅拉·埃斯皮諾薩(Mayra Espinosa)是一個嶄新的聲音,挑戰長期…

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Vote Yes

史蒂夫·鄧巴(Steve Dunbar)

Lost with 34.1% 贊成 65.9% 反對
史蒂夫·鄧巴(Steve Dunbar) 是一名運輸工程師,東灣自行車董事會成員,並且是一名堅定的進步者。他會為乘客的利益著想,值得我們支持。…

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